While I have been trying to raise awareness about the importance of lung health, today, I felt compelled to share a different story. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the US has seen a massive spike in Asian hate crimes, largely ignored and even excused.

Asians have been the invisible, “model” minority. Until recently, mainstream media has not been shining a light on this issue. Despite being Asian, I am not frequently identified as such. To be honest, I had not realized the extent to which this has shielded me until I had a recent conversation with my brother. He happens to look “more Asian” than I do. The constant racial slurs and physical attacks just walking down the street he has experienced are horrific and heartbreaking. Some of my family in the United States are now fearful to even leave their homes.
What can we do?
In January, the president signed an executive order denouncing discrimination directed at Asian American and Pacific Islander communities during the pandemic, which is a great first step. Other simple things we can do are to report any hate crime attacks we may witness.
We can also show support for local Asian-owned businesses. Asian American unemployment has increased more than 450% since last year. You can also help spread awareness on social media. #StopAsianHate